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e-Monster Issue Thirty-One

Editor: Scott Micheel

< 30 | Index | 32 >
              m     m
              mm   mm                         t
        ee    m m m m    oo    nnn     sss    t      ee    rrrr
       e  e   m  m  m   o  o   n  n   s      tttt   e  e   r
       eeee   m     m   o  o   n  n   ssss    t     eeee   r    News 01-25-95
       e      m     m   o  o   n  n      s    t     e      r
        ee    m     m    oo    n  n   sss      tt    ee    r         #31
Headlines this time:    Keith Speaks!  Not once, but three times!
                        Call for Submissions
                        Attention!  ABm wants your suggestions!
Publication data:
eMonster News is published ideally on the 25th of each month.  Send all
submissions, questions, letters of comment, and subscription information to
the email address below.  eMonster News is available free for the asking to
anyone able to receive it on INTERNET, CompuServe, GEnie, Delphi, America
Online, Prodigy, or any other service tied into the net.  Press run: 158.
To avoid problems with my mailer, I send this out in batches; for a full
listing of players on the net, send a note to Scott (below).  eMonster News
is not affiliated with Adventures By Mail in any way, and nothing in here is
necessarily official.  We like to think they like us, though.  Please copy,
post, print, or otherwise distribute this newsletter to as many players as you
can; especially if they have email access.  We want to promote this here game!

Adventures By Mail            Bob Cook  
Editor & Publisher            Scott Micheel
Keeper of Blurbs              Aaron Fuegi
Group Man                     Brian Derks
Monster Mapper & MI BBS       Jim Wuerch
Capture Creature Captain      Larry Barrows
Statmaster                    Jack Vinson
Seeker of Demigods            Jeff Bates         BJ246898@HOPE.CIT.HOPE.EDU
Lord of the Hard Sell         Tom Richardson
List Director                 Sharyl Leis
Q&A Lady                      Dana Barker

Back issues of eMonster News can be got via anonymous FTP transfer.  The
site is , the directory is /pub/pbm/monster_island/newsletters
and all files are in GZIP format; to uncompress them, use GUNZIP.
This newsletter is also posted to the Internet newsgroup, and
usually ends up on the America OnLine boards, as well as Bif's Monster Resort
BBS.  You are welcome to post this anyplace you wish, but please leave it

Aaron Fuegi's MI WWW page:

This newsletter is later than normal, merely because there wasn't much going
on over the holidays.  But there is now!


Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 00:34:15 -0500
Subject: MI Gamemaster's Latest

Subj:  Online Newsletter #3                  94-11-29 23:48:52 EST

Hi again all!  Welcome to online issue #3 of my Monster Island Newsletter.

     **New and Exciting News from the Island Shore**

1) Boddens were causing quite a bit of problems in the high jungle for Jack
and I. In a truely timely manner, Jack managed to fix the bug now allowing
monsters to enter Bodden tree squares that were not previously accessable. It
now seems you may be able to enter those certain squares that read: "No vines
leading into this square" <THANKS Jack> That bug was really getting to bug me.

2) Rumors are flying everywhere about a certain English fellow coming to
continue the programming of Monster Island. I've heard them too. As of now, i
cannot give any approximate dates or any more info on this. When it becomes
known to me, you all will be the *First* to know.

3) Blurb question.."Ensnare Creature". Some of you have it. Some have tried
it. If you've tried it working properly? I saw a player recieve the
blurb and was waiting to see if he or she would use it, but so far, no luck.

4) Ruby Daggers--- They make lovely treasure for a temple, but they aren't

5) Can an Iron Stein be substituted for a voodoo couldron? hmm..someone try
and let me know.

6) Sorry..only 1 Dust of the Entombed may be carried at one time.

7) To new starting out monsters....Bit coins only seems useless at first.
There is a later use for them. (p.s. Don't you older players give away the
surprise). :)

---- Well..that looks like a fair amount of info to keep most of you
thinking. i'm already thinking about News#4. if there's anything anyone would
like me to mention or you have a question you'd like me to answer in the next
one, please don't hesitate to drop me an email note. I promise to answer
anything sent to me.

       Till next time....keep your head in the sand and save the last coconut
for me!   --ABMKeith

Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 10:51:12 -0500
Subject: ABM Keith Speaks

Subj:  Hi...i'm back!                        94-12-17 21:23:41 EST

Hello all Monster Islander's! ABMKeith returns to add some fun to this forum
during this holiday season! <HO! ho!>

**ABM Note** by now..a lot of you have heard the rumors floating around that
ABM is moving. I've recieved a lot of calls from players asking if this is
so? Well..Yes. As of January 1, 1995 Adventure's By Mail, Inc is relocating
to a more spacious, larger and much more eye-pleasing spot. :) We will still
be in Cohoes (only a mere 2 minutes drive from our old spot). The good news
is that Monster Island and Quest ARE coming with us! Yipee!!! The problem has
been that our company has just grown too large for it's current restrictions
and we needed to expand. I will still be at the helm running MI so there is
no need to panic. (I've already seen my space and there's a lot more room for
me to stretch out and continue my daily routines more happily and with less
stress). So, with that said, look for ABM to become bigger and better in '95!

Just for the record, i'm currently into my 11th year with ABM and looking
forward to many more! I've been here a long time..I hope many, if not all of
you will continue to join me for many years of fun while we get Monster
Island back on track! Ok, now onto the game.....

To Herb: I think we had a bit of a problem with your last turn? let me know
 what happened as soon as you find out.. the turn results really worried me.
To Duane: Get some sleep buddy! you sound terrible when you call! <G>
To Erik G: I'm really trying to get to your stuff as fast as i can. i don't
 want you to think i'm delaying your turns for any's just been
 really hectic lately.
To Jeff Bates: I thnk i already replied to you, but if goes. A baby
 monster picks the mothers' turn and week cycle too. it can't be set back to
To Chuck "My pal in D.C.": how goes it? i wish everyone could see those
 awesome faxes you send me.. it's nice to see the MI references on the faxes.
 it really brightens the day.
To Kathy: stick with me Kathy..i'll take good care of your turns.
To Paul Moore: nice talking to you friday. I was sorry to see you die in the
 Shroud's Own massacre. You made a lot of great points and some of them of
 given me reason to really think....
To "Any Ex-Monster Island players reading this": Why not come back if you
 want to? I don't kill off any the defunct monsters. I understand if you are
 mad at me and ABM. but if you miss the game, why stay away? As i told a
 Shroud's Own member friday..i hold NO hard feelings towards anyone. I would
 be honored to have all who have left come back and join us again. If you'd
 rather not, i understand. I just want to air out the fact that i will not
 refuse anyone to return if they so choose. :)

--and finally...I'd like to wish all of you, players or not..a very Merry
Christmas! We fight at times..we argue too...but this is a time to be a
little more nice to each other and put the differences aside. I hope you and
yours have a safe and Happy Christmas and that you get everything you've
wished for! This list is going to be long..but here goes! Merry Christmas
from: Keith, Mike, Jack, Bob, Sharon, Gari, Shawn-Dana, Michelle, Nicki,
Joanne, John, George, Nancy, Ed, Jennifer, Dave, Don, Mike, John, Phil, Jim,
Maura and Josh! If i forgot anyone, sorry..there are so many new faces at ABM
it's hard to keep track. Best wishes everyone! 

See you all very Soon!   ---Keith

Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:42:16 -0500
Subject: AOL/ABM: Keith Speaks

Subj:  THe scoop from ABMKeith               95-01-21 18:02:45 EST

hi guys and gals...

sorry i've been away for so long but i've been busy moving into a new place,
setting up my phone mail system and working on getting the new Monster Island
programmer here to do some work on the game.

Ok, this is the deal. Jack has said it is now ok to let the cat out of the bag.
Steve, from KJC Games in jolly 'ole England will be flying out here 1st or 2nd
week in February to take on some Monster Island and Quest programming. As far
as details of what will be done, programmed and accomplished while he is here,
...that's strictly up to you. i've already been in contact with Brian Derks to
spread the word to as many players as he can to get me things for Steve to fix,
program etc.... If it doesn't work, tell me..if you want it...tell me. you know
the routine. only one thing i ask. please don't email the stuff to me. Fax it
or send it to me c/o of me to the same old PO Box. i would like actual paper
ideas to present Steve when he gets here. I've never met Steve, so i can't
tell you anything more than i already know. as things get fixed and added,
i'll keep you all posted. 

Now onto the nasty phone-mail stuff.
i know most if not all of you hate the new voice mail stuff. i can't say that
i  am a big fan of it either, but it's here to stay. for awhile, there were
some bugs in it allowing me NOT to be able to hear all the messages even
though it said i had them. now that i've figured it out, i can hear all of
you again. I'll be honest, i'm not the fastest at returning calls. sometimes
i get just too busy. if i don't get back to you, i'm sorry. try me again. if
i'm on with another player, the mail is set up to shoot you into my mail box.
i'm sorry about that. but i can't talk to two people at once, and i don't
want any of you to be on hold for minutes at a time. things are still new to
me, so if you can't get me....try me later. thanks! :)

ok, about the email problems. this is very simple to explain. for about a
week, email was just Down...plain and simple. there was absolutely no way for
me or Mike to access our email accounts. therefore, they just had to sit
there till we could regain access to downloading and reading them again. This
sucks, but there was just no way around it. sorry.

To my pal Duane and his yelling answer. he is indeed correct that yelling
often does build up the vocal chords for later use. <MAYBE cry?s battle in>
yell often young monsters..but not twice a turn..or you'll get yelled out...

thanks to everyone who've been so patient with me and our rebuliding at ABM.
i've tried very hard to make this transition as smooth as possible but looks
like i've ruffled a few feathers again. my apologies to those that will
accept them. oh, if you have complaints with me or the way things are running
with the game, please don't post them in here and rile everyone up. just
email or call or send them to me. i'd like to talk to each one of you
personally and not have to difuse each complaint personally in this forum.

thanks again! --ABMKeith


From: "Jerry E. Ritchie" <>
Date: 03 Dec 94 16:54:44 EST
Subject: BMT AWOL?

I see the eMonster is still semi-active.  So far there are exactly
three submissions for the new issue of the Monster Island newsletter.
Which, if some people haven't heard, I have taken over from Morgan.
I'd like to plead for submissions from all readers of eMonster.

*****Scott says:  I've got a great idea for an article called 'Shroud:
     God of Chaos' to give people a different view of our hero, but haven't
     had time to write it up yet.  C'mon people, lets help Jerry out and
     take back the 'Shroud's Own Newsletter' for the rest of us.


From: Rui Sousa <RUCA@TSG.PT>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 21:48:23 +0100
Subject: Long time no see!        

*****Scott says;  Rui and I were in the same TAKAMO game years ago...

How have you been doing? Send some news. Is Monster Island really that 
good? As I have recently bought a franchise to run some KJC games in 
Portuguese (I'm currently running Quest) I'm interested to know.

Soon (I hope) I'll go to full-time PBM professional.

Rui (Portugal)

*****Scott says;  I praised MI and sent her the intro piece I occasionally
     post on the net...  Are there any other MI players in Portugal?

Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 19:39:52 -0500
Subject: Tainted Hollows

Can anyone tell me definitely if it is possible to get into a Tainted hollow
and wander around lost for 40 Action Pts with no other light source than 4
torches (No disciplehood).  If so I may have narrowed down the iem search for
this area.

From: fuegi@CS.ColoState.EDU (Aaron D. Fuegi)
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 94 09:52:46 MST
Subject: Re:  MI/turns

        This is a brief message as my monsters haven't been doing much lately
but my Kabukian, LOKI finally hit his SEVENTH temple.  He got a few more spell
points and the Ensnare Creature spell (was I the one Keith refers to in his
message?) and it said I had completed that part of the quest.  Are there 
other Kabukians who also have 7 temples? (I know of Shroud and Fuvah followers
with all of their temples completed but no other Kabukians)

Date: Fri, 02 Dec 1994 13:41:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Hello?

        I recently talked to Keith because of a problem with my turn (which 
was fixed) and got confirmation that new programmer is coming onboard.  I also
found out that ABM is changing offices soon, so the programmer will come on
board after that.  He also said that when the demi-gods are completly in place
that everyone will have an equal chance to follow one.  I wonder how that will
be able to be done..

Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 15:06:58 -0500
Subject: AOL/MI Scoop

Here's the latest scoop on the doings at the AOL/MI board:

First the really good news--Morgan has been kicked off the board! It seems he
and two others (former BSE players) were monopolizing the board with their
incessant complaints that AOL took action and forbid their diatribes from the
MI board. AOL actually created a separate folder (board) in the ABM area for
complaints and prohibited such postings in the MI folder. As you can expect,
without an audience Morgan is no longer posting.

Morgan and his second-in-command, Glen Fuller, have both quit the game. I
don't know what Morgan's done with his monsters, but I know that Glen's have
been left at the Odd Terapus.

Shroud's Own still exists apparently. Bob Bergles is now the group leader. He
runs Ewaipanoma (#2071). Bob's email address is 

*****Scott says:  For those who haven't heard, Shroud's Own is *the* bad guy
     group in the US game, and they have participated in attacks on several
     other groups (both light and dark) and filled both the official news
     letter and the AOL boards with propoganda.  Morgan then got involved
     in protesting ABM's lack of progress with the game, and led a 'boycott'
     of the game by having many SO monsters park at Far Inns and quit
     playing for awhile.  I have confirmed reports from numerous Far Inns
     in the north that there were SO members at most of them for a month
     or so -- then they all just vanished.  Nobody at ABM has said anything
     about it, but we suspect the monsters have been removed from the game.

Article: 15246 of
Subject: Any points of interest near FP#505 (MI question)
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 21:06:49 GMT

        Does anybody have know of any cool things near Fillar's Far Post #505.
(southern westlands). Locations of prayer stones, relative positions of Far 
Inns, plants, etc.  would be greatly appreciated by a monster on turn #15.

From: Gerald Hagedorn <HAGEDORN@UMR.EDU>
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 19:44:59 -0600 (CST)
Subject: New Fuvite temple

As of Wed Dec 7 there is another Fuvite temple on monster Island.  The
temple is 30E and 11N of the Black Swan.

From: Gerald Hagedorn <HAGEDORN@UMR.EDU>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1994 13:55:14 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Ungrouping

        As a couple of you may know.  I had decided to "disband" the
Knight of the Iron fist and join the fire riders.  So I called Keith up
and asked him how many points were required to get out of a group,  He
said 117.  I got my turn back and nothing happened.  I called Keith up and
asked him what happened.  I kowtowed or 117 and I am still in the group. 
He had misunderstood me and though I ment change religion.  Anyways keith
attempted to fix the problem by manualy changing my group number.  He said
he is not sure wheter this will work or not.  Anyways to make a long story
longer Keith was unaware that it was even possible to change groups, and I
am sure that it is possible.  I can only find one reference of how many
points it requres (in the B.M.T. in an article by morgan) kowtowing for 113
points.  I need to find someone who has switched groups, so that I can
confirm that it take 113 points.  So if you know of someone who has
switched groups please send me there name and address/phone.

From: Gerald Hagedorn <HAGEDORN@UMR.EDU>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 15:34:05 -0600 (CST)
Subject: group

Hi I just got a turn back for claggin.  It appears that I am now a
firerider!!!  I was expecting an update for both of my monsters but they
did not show up.  Claggin kowtowed at his sixth temple to get some new
spell and only got Divine monster.  I was hoping to also get battle Dex,
which he still does not have!!!!!

On an other note, Claggin also got his 5th point of skin
toughness.  bringing his total armor points up to 34.  I am curious what
happens when I cast my armor spell that gives me an additonal 7 armor
points.  With the armor spell I would have 41 armor points which would
absorb 102.5% of damage done up to 41 points.  My question is wheter the
percentage stops at 90%, or 95%, or 100%?  Also how much benifit is having
more than 40 points of armor???  If anybody has any Ideas I would like to
hear them.

Subject: MI: APts and cash (Was Small Caves)
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 14:20:35

>I don't think the charges are that outrageous and have nothing else to 
>spend my money on.  ( have you ever bought 44 white lotus leaves at 10 ocs 
>apiece before - I have as they are the only thing I can spend money on 
>despite always doing the most expensive inn stays and having every piece of 
>knowledge money can buy at the far inns I have been to)

I don't have the time to go back and forth while hunting for temples. Am 
currently at the third (just finished constructing it. Now _there's_ a good 
place to waste extra APts), and will almost immediately head for the fourth. 
No time to search out and attack Dark Places. Besides, in the Jagged Mor 
section the only worthwhile targets are Graveyards and Hillocks.

>Beyond level 4, though, you are right that no far inns sell training so at
>that point I depend on hits and battle and the rare wp's I mentioned above.
>Given that with almost no weapon practices, though, my monster is at level 6
>in edged and using his level 5 edged Great Sword I think I do pretty well.  He
>is at level 4 in almost everything else, most of the levels having been bought
>at far inns.

Well, that's perhaps what I'll do after visiting temple #4. Anyone got a 
list of what training levels available at which inns? That would be helpful.

From: (Ilya)
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 94 16:06:52 EST
Subject: Boddens

In case you've never fought them, Bodden are much tougher than Knolltir,
somewhat weaker than Loggerheads; may take 50-90 damage to kill, but wear
very little armor and seem to have low Muscle, judging by how much damage
they do in hand-to-hand melee.  The worst part about Bodden is that they are
always equipped with Blow pipes and Zinki darts.

From:  (Scott Micheel)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 1994 00:02:49 -0700 (MST)
Subject: MI/turn

Howdy.  Another Stompin Rocksoul turn here.

Nothing really exciting to report.  They still haven't fixed the bug about
dug-up Cauldi Plants (after a few Voodoo Cauldrons are dug up, the plant
vanishes -- but when you enter the square it still prints a plant symbol
on your map, and lists that you found a blank item in your sightings,
e.g.; 'X tracks, , deep pit'

Loggerheads seemed real tough this turn.  I did find that you can fight one
particular loggerhead twice; if you flee before the melee phase in your
first battle, you will fight the same monster if you LV there later in the
turn (not that I could kill him *then* either, but at least I got in two
missle rounds at him...)

Big Danny actually did some stuff;  he visited the Dragon's Tale and collected
lots of bounty for knolltir junk, appraised a few items (DT rare buy: good;
red bauble @ 9, small lockpick @ 23).  Stopped by Wislan's Far Post and
sold a buncha junk.  Hit the Fort.  Got the Fort blurb, but *not* the Fort
Orders blurb.  Still, it let me use both the Enchance Fort and Guard Fort
orders.  I'm gonna do a Quest here next turn to see if that's how you get
it...  I don't *think* I ever got the blurb before...
Geez, this fort is pretty empty.  I mount a spyglass for my Enhance.

Actually, I think I've got a tiny bug here.  Both my monsters got it this
turn, when they arrived at the fort.  See if it sounds like a bug to you.
(note, all capitals and punctuation is exact!)

You find a FORT (Fort #573).  On the heavy wooden door you clearly see totem
symbols You note Totem Markings of your Group at the entrance of the Fort.
This Fort is owned by your Group.

Stompin Rocksoul did the item shuffle... picked up and memorized two scrolls,
Detect Plants & Detect Sacrosanct Structures (I cast both just to see how
they work... detect a few plants, no structures).  Pick up some iron & silver
damaged items, use my Repair spells on 'em, and trade all my Iron armor for
Silver armor (gonna do some graveyard stuff soon...)

I find what may be another bug... In the Zombie Juice blurb, it says you can
release the creature, and it won't attack those of your 'race/group'.  Well,
fellow Black Deather viper Ares did so in our Fort square, and it attacked
me!  I had to put the thing out of my misery.  Now, I *am* a mudwalker, but
it did say 'group', and we want our Zombie back! 

Also, there is a problem in the Sighting portion of my results, right below
the map...

Here's what it says...

Square(....): a Fort, , your Group's Totem markings, and Plodder tracks
leading North.

From: "Mike Popolizio" <P00661@PSILINK.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 94 15:06:10 -0500
Organization: Adventures By Mail, Inc.
Subject: Re: MI ?

> So now that Keith is the official GM, should we send out email turns to
> him, or keep sending them to would be the best email address. 

*****Scott says; this is of course just as they went off-line for a week,
     which confused the heck outta me.  Another rumor said that Keith can't
     access the emailed turns himself, he had to wait for them to be printed
     and delivered to him... Don't know what to think now.

Bob Cook                                           Voice: 518-237-4870
Adventures By Mail, Inc                              Fax: 518-237-6245
Box 436                                         Internet:
Cohoes, NY  12047                         America OnLine: ABMBob

  Mail order resellers and distributors of all Wizards of the Coast Products
                   including Magic: The Gathering cards.
     PBM Moderators of Quest, Monster Island, Beyond the Stellar Empire
               It's a Crime!, Isle of Crowns, and Capitol II.

From: (Ilya)
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 94 13:32:12 EST
Subject: MI

It appears that so long as a monster is not dieting, lower health makes him
hungrier.  Last turn Rauph's healthiness hovered between 41-49%, and he ate
11 food (more than ever before in one turn), gaining 6 health from it.

From: (hagedorn)
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 09:04:28 -0600
Subject: Re: SO updates

   I talked to Keith this last week and he said that the guy from 
England had his passport and was okayed to come over. Keith then said
two days later that he will be in around the 2nd week in Feb. Keith
also would like lists from everyone on what needs to be fixed.
Example: rid orders, stone crypts, tomb of mummundus, fireball spell,
X'ing two temple treasures, saddle bags, etc. Nothing like king spiked

Here is a list of things that need to be added and/or corrected in
the game.  Please look over the list and make any corrections or
additions and mail it back to me.  Please list out the item and what
the problem/solution is.  Once we have a good list I will make
sure that it gets to Keith.

New Region Opened up-enuff Said!!!!
Demigods- Needs implimenting
Rid orders-change to allow rid of multiple items
Xfer order- change to allow multiple transfers of item
            both to other monsters and into treasure rooms
Stone Crypts-needs implimenting
Tomb of Mummundus-needs implimenting
Fireball spell-?
Saddle bags-needs implimenting
Mount vs. Mount player combat- Needs implimenting
Wrestling practice for monster between players and at far Inns- Needs
More spells (expecially combat spells)-Needs implimenting

     Now, I have a question.  The dates that my monsters week are suppose to
be are being changed/mixed up.  Is anyone else having this problem.  Norm
got a turn 121 processed it said that is next turn could be process in week
122 from jan 13 to jan 24.  I sent in a turn and it was process on the
16th of january the turn was 122 but the turn was processed during week 123!
I just wanted to see if this happened to anyone else.  Please check your turn
and let me know.

From: Jake Balfour <JB6@KEENE.EDU>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 19:35:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: More ideas for Keith

Not all of these are my ideas - some I've heard for a while.  Others 
may be new to you.  If you don't agree with them, please let me know.

I'm not quite happy with some of them myself, but I'll argue them for the 
sake of the players who presented them to me.  Also, I think discussion 
on these issues will bring out better ideas, or new ones.

*       Increase religious descriptions / goals / opportunities.  What are the 
special status positions other than Temple Guardian?  Is becoming a 
Priest the only way to serve the (known) gods?  It seems rather 
two-dimensional to think there's only one way to help out your diety.

*       More missile types.  The more advanced my Monsters get, the less 
often they throw things.  If we continue at this rate, we'll never get 
anywhere - especially with level 2 and 3 projectiles.  Bows, perhaps?  
How about a better dart?  Redo the Fart Bomb (tho' it can't be too 
powerful for then females would be hindered).  One bomb every six turns 
or so is ridiculous. 

*       Increase tracking capabilities.  It's too difficult to try to
catch up to those Monsters they've battled.  How many times have you 
heard of a Monster finding someone again?  Plus, I've heard of turns where 
Monsters tracking others wound up tracking in a circle, tracking an older 
track instead of a new one.  Hopefully that's been fixed.
        How about a track fresh tracks order?  Instead of waiting for the 
turn results, why not track a Monster as soon as you find evidence of 
them?  It would lead to more contacts and more interesting turns.

*       Permanent snatch order.  I'd like my Monsters to at least try to 
steal stuff from other Monsters when they meet them.  Or when they're 
swinging a weapon at 'em.  Or wrestling (the best chance for success, it 
seems).  If it leads to more battles, so be it.  Otherwise, the snatch order 
isn't worth the effort.  If you go to the trouble to track someone, 
why not try to kill them.  Why pay $4 just to try to take something 
(with a good chance of failure)?

*       Attack on sight orders for Fuvites.  It's just not fair that 
other religions can rack up battles for Priesthood easier.  What happened to 
Fuvah being the god of warriors?  ABM's logic works to a point - we 
aren't mortal enemies with Kabuki and Shroud.  How about a fervor for 
Demigods?  They would feel the same against us - only fair.  But that depends 
on how the Demigods are aligned with the big three, if at all. 

*       Increase movement limitations.  We only move 8 squares a turn 
probably because that's all that will fit on a page.  So how do we get 
around that?  A second page would do it, but you'd have to join them 
together.  Could it be done without making it look sloppy?
        How about a teleport spell?  Cast at the beginning of the turn 
(or the end of the turn before, perhaps even with a matching spell at the 
beginning of the next to discourage all but the very hurried Monster), it 
would jump the Monster a number of squares in a direction.  The spell 
would be canceled if the Teleport put the Monster through or into 
certain terrains (Crystal Hills, etc.).  

*       Less emphasis on spell-casting, more on battles.  After 
tracking and trying to kill a target, it gets frustrating to see it 
result into spell trading and the running away of your prey.  
While it's more of a problem in the Jagged Mor and Kunbar, if you're a 
Monster hunter, you're forced to join in the Temple tour just to keep up.  
Back to the basics, please.  How about a spell that roots a Monster to 
the spot?  Or a Defensive Spell that cancels Offensive Spells?

*       More signs as to what's coming.  Ever feel like ABM is barely one step 
in front of us?  They have a master plan of how societies on Monster
Island are organized.  Yes, at this point we haven't gotten past the 
beachhead (especially if the Island really is three times the size of 
Australia!) but all we've seen are lonely outposts of Jossmen and 
rumors of civilizations ahead.  Are we going to see any of this in the 
new section?  Or is it going to be more open space and a few more 
motels with a few more new bones tossed in?  Let us know you're working 
on some really interesting and creative situations.  You don't have to 
reveal them, but let us know there's thought and excitement coming up.


Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 00:27:34 -0500
Subject: MI

This list looks good.  My only question is the comment about multiple
transfers at a Temple.  I thoiught the command supported that already. Both
the X and B/P commands have a quantity field.  As for monster Xfers, remember
that the game is currently limited to 3 fields per order (X Monster# Item #)
Changing this might involve giving up a lot of other changes.

From: Jake Balfour <JB6@KEENE.EDU>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 15:59:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SO updates

Does anyone know approximately how long ABM holds a monster in one 
location before removing it?

When I picked up Hexaquinodi from another player, the computer said he had 
been in the same square for about 180 days.  He had meetings and heard other 
Monsters well past 150 days.  But he was out in the open, not in an Inn.  
Since he wasn't clogging up a Jossman hut, they might have let him stay on
for much longer.

I would think that ABM reviews each Monster on a case by case 
basis.  And that it wouldn't be done every day.  Perhaps weekly, or 
whenever they had some spare time (which, with their move and backlog, 
won't be soon!).

*****Scott says:  I recently picked up the inactive Moby as my third monster;
     he had been idle for 142 days.

From: Gerald Hagedorn <HAGEDORN@UMR.EDU>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 15:44:47 -0600 (CST)
Subject: inactive monsters

        Here is my theory about inactive monsters.  Part of it is from
experience some of it is conjectior.  It would seem that after aproximatly
a month monster are removed from an active status on the map.  Once a
monster is in an inactive state they get reports from meeting with
monsters that travel thru the square.  I have one monster that I play
sporaticly.  There is a limit to the amount of info the game keeps about
between turn results.  After so long the game/gamemaster deletes stuff(I
have had this happen).  As far as perminant removal from the game I have
not heard of anyone that this has happened to.  I had a monster that I had
no played in over a year and I Have gotten no notice that Keith is going
to delete it.

Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 15:05:40 -0500
Subject: Re: SO updates

At some point in the last few months, Keith said on the AOL/ABM board that
they never remove a monster from the island. This was said in response to a
question on whether Morgan Hatrick would be able to begin playing again if he
ever wanted to.

From: Gerald Hagedorn <HAGEDORN@UMR.EDU>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 15:56:39 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: SO updates

While monsters may be saved somehow, they *are* removed from the map.  This
is to keep us from getting easy kills.....

Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 22:53:48 MEZ
Subject: Question on reptron salve

I hope you can help me with a question. One of my monsters, a female mudwalker
in week 35, almost has its first portion of reptron salve prepared. She has no
skin toughness listed in her stats so far. My question is double:

first, when does skin toughness appear in a monster's stats;
and second, should the reptron salve be used before or after this?

None of the monsters in the german game that I asked could help me, but I think
that many of the more experienced monsters in America or UK can talk about 
their experience with reptron salve. I am interested in any information on this

May Fuvah guide you to wisdom and victory!

*****Scott says:  I believe all monster start with a skin toughness of 1,
     and that they get +1 every 60 turns.  The program won't list it at all
     until it goes above 1, either on turn 60 or when you use a Reptron Salve.
     (Each Skin Toughness point counts as one point of limb armor, but does
     not add to encumberance and cannot be taken away.)

From: "Sherman, Walter" <SHERMAN@UP.UCHC.EDU>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 95 17:30:00 EST
Subject: Monster Island

I maintain a FTP server, Which can be reached at I will
be keeping Monster Island files there. I have recently added files from BIFs
BBS there (mainly the mmapper files and databases, as soon as I can connect to
one of the other sites I will add all the newsletters from there... (I  have
been unable to connect to both in the last few days). And feel free to
advertise that if anyone else has files to offer, by my guest to add them...


Final notes from Scott...

Noel Coward (1931):

     Mad dogs and Englishmen
     Go out in the midday sun.
     The Japanese don't care to,
     The Chinese wouldn't dare to,
     The Hindus and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one,
     But Englighmen detest a siesta.

     In the Phillipines, there are lovely screens
     To protect you from the glare;
     In the Malay states, they have hats like plates
     Which the Britishers won't wear.
     At twelve noon, the natives swoon,
     And no further work is done;
     But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

Exciting things are happening, eh?  I urge you all to get your suggestions
in to Keith as soon as possible.  I suspect that there will be *far* too much
for Steve to finish before he has to go home, so lets get our suggestions in
so they can prioritize.

I will be happy to forward suggestions sent to me too.

Now, I agree that the first priority is to open the new area east of the
Starth.  Probably getting the Demigods set up should be second.  From a
player's standpoint, only after that should time be spent on fixing little
details...  (From a programmer's point, I suspect you'd better get those
fixed asap before you go messing about with new stuff.)  The point is,
the faster you get some tangible changes in there, the happier players
will be.

These are some little niggling changes that I would love to see in the game...
*  Delete the Account Number from turn results.  We have heard from a
   number of players who got *other* player's results in their envelope.
   While we are not aware of any abuse arising from this, the fact is that
   all you need is a monster number and the correct account number and
   you can send in a turn for someone else.  Most other pbm companies
   include all account information on a separate sheet of paper, usually
   printed on a separate printer (and which would provide a back-up check
   to help prevent those mis-sent turns, since you'd check to see that
   every turn run also had a separate account statement and vice versa.)
*  Add a header to each page of the results, a mere single line, like this:
----- MONSTER MAN's travels for turn 25 ----- May 12, 1994 ----- page 1 -----
   This would help is keep track of what page belongs with which turn (I
   know whereof I speak here) and also provide yet another backup check to
   make sure no turns are mis-sent in the wrong envelope.
*  Add Rivers to the game.  Make some small, some large.  Some crossable,
   some not.  Perhaps a Ruined Bridge structure, or Natural Fords that
   can only be crossed at certain times of the year.  Spice up the map a
   bit.  Make a Follow River sub-command, like Follow Trail.
*  There are rewards from the gods for killing certain enemies of the god.
   Shouldn't there also be penalties for killing those favored by the god?
   There are rumors that if you manage to kill your god's favored creature,
   you'll get zapped by a lightning bolt or something.  Shouldn't there be
   such a mark of disfavor if you attack a co-religionist?
*  Names for Forts and Temples should be added.  Anyone who's ever tried
   to make a list of Temples will know the reason for this one.  Too often
   a temple is claimed for one side, or started and abandoned, or just
   mistaken for a nearby rival temple.  Plus, wouldn't it be neat if you
   could name the Temple or Fort yourself?
*  Creating Wells for Forts -- to be able to slake your thirst at a Fort.
   Maybe you'd have to dig deeper than ever before, or have others to help
*  Monster Holidays!
Holidays are the favorite days of little kids and hard-working grownups,
why shouldn't monsters look forward to them too?
I envision them working as follows; holidays are set calendar days that no
monster knows in advance.  If a holiday occurs between turns, a short
note is added to his 'Tween turn results.  If a monster's turn occurs on
a holiday, he is docked 15-20 APs to perform a ceremony or something.
Taking this even further, you could even add a few Major holidays where
everyone must participate; i.e.: the ABM guys get a day where they don't do
any MI turns, and everything is delayed a day.
As to the range of types of holidays, here are a few suggestions.  Certain
holidays would only affect certain monsters;
Racial holidays
     Bignose - Anniversary of the Great White Handkerchief (?)
     Furrcat - Dead Rodent Festival (carry one in your mouth all day)
     Monger  - Scare your Neighbor Day (make yourself ugly, lower friendly.)
     Norman  - Paint the Town (and yourself) Red Day
     Fatblob - Feast of the Sacred Pickle (?)
     Mudwalker Muddy Thursday (roll around it in, need a bath)
     Viper   - Fruit Sucking Day (eat no meat)
     Jossman - Funny Nose & Glasses Day
     Knolltir  Hide Down Deep Day
Religious Holidays
     Shroud  - Winter Solstice (shortest day of the year)
     Kabuki  - Summer Solstice (longest day of the year)
     S & K   - Day of the Midnight Sun (Shroud - bad, Kabuki - good)
     S & K   - Eclipse (Shroud - good, Kabuki - bad)
     Fuvah   - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Gahambar (tales of mighty warriors maybe)
     (and all the demigods too, of course)
Major Holidays
     Winterfest - maybe a visit from Father Frost
     Sun's Day  - too hot, take a day-long siesta 
Adding holidays to the results would spice things up for us players.  Well
do we remember that one day back in '90 (?) when the storm clouds and
rainbows interrupted our rest.  I'd be neat to have something happen that
happens to everyone at once, but only rarely.
< 30 | Index | 32 >
These newsletters were taken from Aaron Fuegi's Monster Island Page.
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