Monster Archive Bad News Rules Newsletters Journals Useful Stuff

Summer Issue Nine

Editor: Cheryl Frech

< 8 | Index | 10 >
Newsletter #9, December 10th, 1992

Newsletter Editor:        		Cheryl Frech 

 Far Structures - 			Cheryl Frech 
 Captureable Creatures -		Cheryl Frech 
 Blurbs -				Aaron Fuegi
 Monster Profiles -			Sean Upchurch
 Unofficial Weapons/Armor chart- 	Ilya Taytslin
 Battle Cries -	 			Christopher F. Jones
 FAQ -	 	 			Christopher F. Jones
 (FAQ=Frequently Asked Questions)
 Seen through a Spyglass		Jerry Hagedorn
 Groups					Brian Derks

Note from the editor.  The information contained in these
newsletters covers a wide gambit from novice to advanced.  If you
are the type who wants to learn things on their own some of the
information in the newletters could be considered spoilers.

>>>>>>>>>>>> I have had such an influx of email that I am once again
behind in my responses.  So I have a file with mail I owe people and
will get to it in time.  If the newsletter answers your questions then
I will not be sending email.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

********************** EDITOR BLUNDER ***********************
* Note to everyone.  Most of you hopefully already know this but I
* mention it here because Cheryl accidentally put my old email address
* near the top of this  newsletter(at the bottom in the blurbs area my
* correct one is listed).  Anyway my present email address is
* and I would appreciate it if everyone would use
* that address only in the future. 
*	Aaron
*	aka Blurb Collector
********************** EDITOR BLUNDER ***********************

This Issue
Section  1 - Job Posts / Want Ads 
Section  2 - Tips (This issue BABY news replaces the tip section)
Section  3 - Questions/Inquiries
Section  4 - Facts
Section  5 - Rumors (Believe it or Not)
Section  6 - Theories
Section  7 - New Blurbs (see end of Catch all for index to existing
Section  8 - Player Deletions/Additions
Section  9 - Catch All
Section 10 - Capture List
Section 11 - Far Structures
Section 12 - Races and Gods and Groups
Section 13 - Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby


Section 1 - Job Posts / Want Ads 

* WANTED: Plant blooming cycle information.  If you have calculated the
  cycles or have purchased advanced plant plucking skill and have run
  across some plants please send information to: 
	Aaron Fuegi 			

* Mudwalker in the upper Gwardon interested in joining or forming a
  group.  Currently I have no religion, but I am also interested in
  that.  Are there any groups (religious or otherwise) based near the 
  Spotted Beak?  

  I already know general locations (from sources like MI Journal, Lotus
  Leaves, and MI Newsletter on this network).  Would like responses
  from members of groups.  Need key information from recruiters.

			Thanks, Steven Sadler

* I'm looking for a review/description of Monster Island, as this game
  is now also available in Germany. Someone directed me to you as
  editor of a MI newsletter. Do you have anything that tells me more
  about the game than the advertisement I have? Thanks in advance

* WANTED: A write up explaining monster island for potential players
  (see last request above) who want to learn more about the game.
  Please send write up to newsletter.

* Within the next 5-10 turns it is anticipated that
  a non-racial, non-religious group will be forming in the
  Jagged Mor South.  The current plan is for the Ceremony of
  Strength to take place in the vicinity of the Dragon's Tale
  Far Inn.  At this time there are approximately 15-20
  monsters who have committed to participating in the
  Ceremony of Strength.  Any monsters in the vicinity who have
  any interest contact Eric Bothwell aka Biff Gnarly

          Thanks,     Eric/Biff

* WANTED: Information on "Blueberry Eye" and or "Noreb" monsters. 
  Any information (name, address, player name) on these monsters is
  appreciated.   "Blueberry eye" is a Furrcat and "Noreb" is a Bignose,
  both male.I believe that Noreb is a Fuvite; I'm not sure about
  Blueberry eye. They're somewhere in the Central JM/Kunbar, or at
  least they were a couple of months ao.go.  Anything you could be find
  would be VERY appreciated!! 
	-Eric Reuss, from The Stark Fist of Fuvah

* WANTED: I am currently playing two beginning monsters (one on turn
  10, the other on turn 15) in the southern Gwardon reigon.  Do you
  have any friends in this area?  One big dissapointment for me thus
  far has been that the other monsters who started out with me have,
  for the most part, not been very social.  It would be great if you
  knew someone in my general area who I might be able to join up with. 

	Tim Ciciarelli 

  THIS HAS CHANGED from the last Lotus Leaves...I'm getting lot's
  of letters to ma.y last years address, and each takes over a
  month to wind its way to me.


Section 2 - Tips (This issue BABY news replaces the tip section)


Section 3 - Questions/Inquiries

* Gary Funk is trying to get a master list of everyone in the game and
  their addresses, along with Far structures.  Please send information

* Willing to compile things viewed through a spyglass.  Send data to
  Jerry Hagedorn 

* I noticed something in newsletter, that implied that someone
  gained 9 muscle (in one turn) by jazzercising 9 times for
  8 APs each...  My math says, that that is jazzercising for
  72 APs in one turn...  Didn't the rules specifically state
  that a maximum of 50 APs per turn may be used to jazzercise
  in any one turn?
	Just curious, Ron... 

  [ The item in newsletter number 8 did imply the 9 times for 8 AP was
    from memory.  Perhaps 6 timers for 8 AP, could the original poster
    clear this up.  I once inquired about jazzercizing for more then
    50 AP (a wrong input had me doing more then 50) and Jack said doing
    more the 50 didn't help you but didn't hurt you either.  This was
    over a year ago so things can change, though I doubt it. ]

* I was curious if you could answer a question for me about groups.
  I've heard a few rumors about losing money and/or items when forming
  a group.  Do you know anything about this?  My monster will be
  forming a group with a few other people next turn, and I just wanted
  to know if I should spend all of my money before forming the group.
  Also I've heard that an item will disappear when you form a group.
  Maybe that's just when you join an already existing group?  Any info
  would be most appreciated.  Thanks.
		- Erik		

  [ When groups are formed they fit into one of three categories (of
    which I forget the proper names) scary, scarier, scariest.  I
    believe that each of these categories affects how much and types of
    items lost during initiation.  My experience:
	Forming a group of type scary (the most easy going type
	about):   Lost nothing during the ceremony.

	Joining an existing group of type scarier (middle of road
	group):   Had 4 oculars lost 1, also lost a voodoo cauldron.

	Joining an existing group of type scarier (middle of road
	group):   Had 60 oculars lost ~35, also lost a voodoo cauldron.

	Initiated a member into existing group of type scarier: Gained
	a few oculars (fellow had very few) and a Tholomite Heart.

    How about it, if you have an initiation or ceremony group story on
    lost/gained items send them in.  Remember to note the type of group
    and if someone has the proper names I would appreciate them. ]

* Has anyone got their second set of spells?

  [ My monster Felica got her second set.  Her first set
    included 7 spells: Identify Scroll (24), Seal/Open Temple Door
    (34), Detect Rival Followers (42), Read Scroll (25), Light Armor
    (805), Torchlight (701) and Fear (928) with a total of 20 spell
    points.   Her second set added 4 new ones: Detect Fellow Followers
    (41), Repair Large Iron Item (53), Dig (50) and Fire Shield (822)
    and her spell points went up to 65.  She has also identified and
    read the following spells from scrolls: Detect Creatures (77),
    Detect Items (66) and Detect Plants (55).  ]

  Any others out there with their second or third set?  Send spell
  lists to newsletter.


Section 4 - Facts

* The Black Death group #727 officially has not battle cry.  Subject to
  change in the future.

* The Knights of the Iron fist #745 is now a mixed group since they
  just tarted a shroud faction.


Section 5 - Rumors (Believe it or Not)

NOW FACT: If you give an EF (Enhance Fort) order while carrying some
carrion talons, you will make something called a "carrion spring
trap".  You need two carrion talons and one spider spring or one
carrion talon and two spider springs.


Section 6 - Theories


Section 7 - New Blurbs (see end of Catch all for index to existing
blurbs in our net monster group.)

Remember if you get a blurb which is not on the index list, send it to
Aaron and the newsletter.

FORT      A newly rebuilt fort consists of a semi-secure wall and a
building in its center. The largest room is the stable where two
dozen mounts can be stabled. The next largest room is the bunk room
which has a dozen bunk beds. There is also a storage room, an outhouse
(without water), and a double-room consisting of living quarters
and workroom suitable for a single permanent resident. A fort is
owned/controlled by whoever occupies it. When occupied, other monsters
have to force their way in. They'll be subject to the Fort's traps
(if any) and have to fight the occupants of the fort - except for your
own group's members.

FORT ORDERS       To camp in a fort, issue the FORT STAY order:FS.
This is excellent for recovering health. To guard/camp in fort, issue
the GUARD FORT order:GF. This has you camp in the fort, but you'll be
on guard for intruders and consequently, recover less health. To make 
some sort of physical improvement to the fort, issue the ENHANCE FORT
order:EF. This requires 30 act pts and may result in taking one or
more of your possessions and making it a permanent part of the fort.
To place items in the store room, issue the PLACE order:P (item#)
(qty). To remove items, issue the BRING order: B (item#)(qty). NOTE:
Food cannot be placed in the store room. If the square already has 
your group's totem markings, you can issue the TM order to mark the


Section 8 - Player Deletions/Additions

For those who keep a mailing list this new section has changes from the
existing list.

LEAVING (please take off lists):

ARRIVING (please add to lists):
CAN NOT DELIVER (removed from list)


Section 9 - Catch All

!!STUFF deleted - ADF!!

Section 11 - Far Structures

The following is my current file on locations of far structures.  I am
way behind in corrections (thanks to those of you who have sent them
in) and additions.  However, it will be awhile before I get to them and
several of you are asking about locations so here is what I have.  Take
it with a grain of salt.  Corrections should be sent to me (Cheryl
Frech) and hopefully in the next few months I can make this a better
more correct list.  For the most part everything is correct.  A few
posts are a square off here or there.  Many new inns are missing (most
I don't have data on) but I believe their locations are correct.  So
enjoy or ignore the following:

   [ note the locations are given in the Fire Rider group
     coordinates and are not standard to this discussion group ]

Far Inns (x,y,north/middle/south,name)
SP   127       240      N         The Speckled Pheasant
OT    95       232      N         The Odd Terepus
IT   137       207      N         The Illuminated Torch
SB    99       204      N         The Spotted Beak
GGG   90       175      N         The Grackle, Grouse & Grail
BS   130       169      N         The Broken Shield
DS   104       143      M         Drokorn's Stead
DEN  142       137      M         Dark Eagle's Nest
CT   103       116      M         The Claw & Tooth
CS    83        95      M         The Cracked Skull
SC   128       102      M         The Spear & Club
HJ   126        67      M         The Happy Junglemon
GFS   79        65      M         Grimley's Fiendish Spot
TT    94        38      S         The Twisted Tablor
LF   128        30      S         The Lion's Fill
DT    95        10      S         The Dragon's Tale
CN    77       -12      S         The Crooked Nose
BL   182        24      S         The Blushing Lady

Far Forges (x,y)
Boarsthead  173         36         S           Unknown
Silver Hook's	(unknown location in middle starth)

Temples (x,y)
S           116         214        N           Temple of Shroud
F           145         203        N           Temple of Fuvah
F           141         183        N           Temple of Fuvah
F           128         236        N           Temple of Fuvah
K            90         131                    Temple of Kabuki
S            75          73        M           Temple of Shroud
K            61          65        M           Temple of Kabuki
F           129          50                    Temple of Fuvah
** KEY ** KEY ** KEY ** KEY ** KEY ** KEY ** KEY ** KEY ** KEY **

Owner - Last name of owner
Staff - Number of staff
Defenses - o=okay, f=fair, g=good, vg=very good
Building - gs=good shape, wk=well kept, bg=bit grungy, nk=nicely kept
I7 to I1 - inn stay: I7 you're paid, I5/I3/I1 you pay to stay
Missile - wx:a,b,c:d  wx is weapon training order, a/b/c are levels
          of training and d is the cost of the first level.
          Subsequent levels cost 3 times the previous.   
               example w1:2,3,4:6 is weapon's training 1 offers 2nd,
               3rd and 4th level training for 6, 18 and 54 oculars
               respectively   [this also applies for bashing,
               pointed, edged, pole and whip] 
Weapons - general pricing for weapons:  o=okay, f=fair, g=good
Armor - general pricing for armor:  o=okay, f=fair, g=good
Rare - general pricing for rare items:  o=okay, f=fair, g=good
P1 to P9 - Purchase from the inn X/Y: where X is item number and Y
           is cost.  Order is P (Item#) (Qty) 
X7 to X9 - Knowledge Purchase X/Y  Y is cost and X is:  V=voodoo,
           D=dieting, B=battle cry, S=stealth, P=plant growth
V2 to V6 - Voodoo Instruction X/Y  Y is cost and X is: PLE=purple
           lotus elixir, YLE=yellow lotus elixir, WLE=white lotus
           elixir, RS=reptron salve, SH=scatamunga horn, BE=brawn
           elixir, TE=thermaway elixir, LE=lime elixir, ZJ=zombie
          juice, SP=shingle poison, G=gnitgnoff  
CB JB - Collect bounty on jagged bodkins.  Price offered.
CB TN - Collect bounty on tomk necklaces.  Price offered.
CB GS - Collect bounty on gaba stones.  Price offered.

Items for Sale:
No.    Name                    No.    Name
8      Dactyl Whip             301    Silver Knife          
9      Squzskin Gauntlets      302    Silver Jagged Dagger  
21     Voodoo Cauldron         303    Silver Helm           
37     Swarth Net              304    Silver Guantlets      
38     Bird Trap               305    Silver Greaves        
45     Spiked Club             309    Silver Studded Club   
48     Squzskin Greaves        331    Iron Knife            
49     Squzskin Helmet         332    Iron Dagger           
55     Tooth Sabre             333    Iron Helm             
96     Travel Grub             334    Iron Greaves          
107    Barkbrute Armor         335    Iron Gauntlets        
                               355    Yellow Bauble         
               SP              OT             IT             SB
Owner          Hokstir         Skrome         Sawtooth       Tar
Staff          10              11             7              7  
Rooms          8               9              10             9  
Defenses       g               g              o              o  
Building       nk              nk             wk             bg 
I7             4               5              4              4  
I5             10              12             8              10 
I3             24              28             22             20 
Missile                                                      w5:2:6
Bashing        w3:2,3:9        w3:2,3,4:6     w1:2,3,4:7           
Pointed        w1:2,3,4:7                                    w1:2,3:6
Edged                          w1:2,3,4:8                    w3:2,3,4:8
Pole                                          w3:2,3:6                 
Whip                                          w5:2,3:7                 
Weapons        f               o              o              f         
Armor          f               f              o              o         
Rare           f               o              o              f         
P1                             55/6           303/15         38/6      
P2             9/2             9/2            21/16          303/13    
P3             38/6            38/5           48/5           55/7      
P4             37/15           332/45         334/39                   
P5             96/1            96/1           96/1           96/1      
P6             21/19           302/22                        21/19     
P7                                            38/5           334/33    
P8             333/39                         8/27           49/2      
P9             302/26          21/16          37/15                    
X7             V/5             V/6            V/7            V/6       
X8             D/1             P/1            D/1            D/1       
X9             S/2                            B/3            B/3       
V2             WLE/12          WLE/14         PLE/6          YLE/5     
V4             RS/4            RS/6           RS/6           LE/3      
V6             ZJ/6            YLE/5          YLE/9          SH/7      
CB JB          10              7              10             10        
CB TN          22              21             22             21        
CB GS          1               1              1              1         
                GFS             TT             LF             DT
Owner          Grimley         Fils           Zilton         Dunsword
Staff          10              10             7              9       
Rooms          12              9              10             9       
Defenses       g               g              g              g       
Building       bg              gs             wk             gs      
I7             3               4              26             5       
I5             5               10             9              9       
I3                             21             5                      
Missile        w5:2,3:6                                              
Bashing        w1:2,3,4:7                     w3:2,3:7               
Pointed                                                      w3:2,3,4:6
Pole                           w1:2,3:7       w1:2,3:8       w1:2,3,4:9
Whip                           w5:2,3:8                                
Weapons        o               g              o              o         
Armor          f               f              o              f         
Rare           o               f              o              g         
P1             21/16           21/19                         45/18     
P2             96/1            38/6                          37/15     
P3                                            37/13          21/22     
P4                             48/5           21/16                    
P5             38/5            37/5           304/16         301/13    
P6             302/22          8/36           96/1                     
P7                             96/1           38/5                     
P8             49/2            304/19         9/2            38/7      
P9             37/15           45/15          309/33         96/1      
X7             V/6             V/5            V/7            V/7       
X8             P/1             D/1            P/1            D/1       
X9             S/3             B/3            S/3            B/4       
V2             PLE/6           YLE/5          YLE/7          PLE/7     
V4             LE/4            RS/6           LE/3           LE/4      
V6             WLE/14          G/2            SP/17          ZJ/11     
CB JB          8               9              7              8         
CB TN          27              23             24             20        
CB GS          1               1              1              1         
               GGG            BS             DS             DEN     
Owner          Spunstir       Shokrim        Drokorn        Kar     
Staff          12             9              11             9       
Rooms          11             12             12             12      
Defenses       g              g              vg             vg      
Building       wk             wk             wk             bg      
I7             20             4              5              3       
I5             12             9              10             5       
I3             5              26                            23      
Missile                       w1:2,3,4:6     w3:2,3:6       w1:2,3:8
Bashing                       w3:2,3:6                              
Pointed        w1:2,3:6                                             
Edged                                        w5:2,3:6               
Pole           w3:2,3:9                      w3:2,3:6       w3:2,3:6
Whip           w5:2,3,4:13                                  w5:2,3:8
Weapons        h              f              o              f     
Armor          f              o              p              g     
Rare           g              f              o              o     
P1             21/22          96/1                          21/16 
P2             55/10                         305/16         37/18 
P3                            301/15         21/16                
P4             96/1           107/19         38/5                 
P5                            48/4           55/6           107/12
P6             302/34                                       304/22
P7             335/39         21/19          96/1           331/31
P8                            333/33         45/18          96/1 
P9             38/7           37/13          49/1           8/31 
X7             V/5            V/7            V/5            V/5  
X8             P/1            D/1            D/1            P/1  
X9             S/2            S/4            B/3            B/3  
V2             PLE/10         PLE/6          PLE/9          PLE/8
V4             BE/6           RS/7           BE/7           BE/6
V6             LE/3           SH/9           WLE/13         G/2
CB JB          7              8              7              7 
CB TN          21             22             28             21
CB GS          1              1              1              1
               C&T            SC              CS             HJ 
Owner          Pokernaught    Kanose                            
Staff          10             11                                
Rooms          10             8                                 
Defenses       o              vg                                
Building       gs             nk                                
I7             3              4               5              4  
I5             7              7               12             7  
I3                            28              21             26 
Missile                       w1:2,3,4:9      w1:2,3:9       w1:2,3:7   
Bashing                                       w5:2:7         w3:2,3:9
Pointed        w5:2,3:7       w3:2,3,4:8      w3:2,3:8          
Edged          w1:2,3,4:9                                       
Pole           w3:2,3:9                                         
Whip                                                         w5:2,3:7
Weapons        g              o                              g
Armor          o              f                              g 
Rare           o              f                              g 
P1                            55/9            48/5           302/30   
P2             49/2                           55/7           334/45   
P3             305/20         21/19           21/22             
P4             55/9           38/16                          49/3   
P5             331/36         48/5                           107/12   
P6             38/5           96/1            334/39         21/22   
P7             96/1           309/33                         37/18   
P8             21/16                          303/15         9/36   
P9                            301/13          96/1           96/1   
X7             V/5            V/7             V/6            V/7   
X8             D/1            P/1             P/1            D/7   
X9             S/3            S/3             B/4            S/3   
V2             PLE/7          WLE/12          PLE/10            
V4             BE/7           RS/5            BE/8              
V6             TE/2           G/2             RS/6              
CB JB          10             7               7                 
CB TN          20             20              20                
CB GS          1              1               1              1  
              CN              BL             
Owner         Crook           Kaboo          
Staff         12              11             
Rooms         11              6              
Defenses      g               o              
Building      nk              wk             
I7            4               4              
I5            6               9              
I3                            16             
Missile       w3:2,3:6                       
Bashing                       w5:2,3,4:9     
Pointed                       w3:2,3:6       
Edged         w1:2,3,4:7                     
Pole                          w1:2,3:6       
Weapons       f                              
Armor         f                              
Rare          o                              
P1            96/1            38/7           
P2            355/5           9/4            
P3            37/15                          
P4            335/39          309/45         
P5            305/23                         
P6            38/5            301/18         
P7                            21/22          
P8                            96/1           
P9            21/16           55/9           
X7            V/5             V/5            
X8            P/1             P/1            
X9            B/3             B/2            
V2            YLE/5           YLE/6          
V4            RS/5            LE/3           
V6            TE/2            G/2            
CB JB         7               4              
CB TN         23              22             
CB GS         1               1              

Borsthead's Far Forge
Forger: Sturge Rukduk. 
Staff: 6 Jossmen.
Defenses are good.  The building is in good shape.

Sell to Far Forge: P (Item#) (Qty)
Repair Item: R (Item#)  Note you can not rid an item at a far forge.

Purchase From Far Forge 
P1: Silver Knife for 18
P2: Silver Gauntlets for 22
P3: Iron Dagger for 61 
P4: Silver Knuckles for 36 
P5: Short Sword for 45
P6: Long Sword for 122
P7: Leather Barding for 85 (Barding is too bulky to be carried by a
    Monster.  It is custom fit to each Mount.  The above price is
    for a Plodder.  Other Mounts cost more.  

Silver Hook's Far Forge
Forger: Hagus Kutok
Staff: 6 Jossmen
Defenses are good.  The building is in very good shape.

Purchase From Far Forge
P1: Silver Jagged Dagger for 26
P2: Silver Greaves for 23
P3: Iron Helm for 39
P4: Long Sword for 106
P5: Silver Knuckles for 31
P6: Short Sword for 39
P7: Leather Barding for 85


Far Inns [second line]  (x,y)
BL          182      24       S       The Blushing Lady
RA          172      225      N       Ribald's Arms
Far Posts (x,y) [north to south]
Waltar's        113        253        N
?               81         250        N
Kallon's        42         245        N
Waston's        95         239        N
?               165        234        N
Fillan's        119        233        N
Killor's        76         232        N
Fallor's        46         226        N
Wistan's        99         224        N
Dislor's        136        218        N
Wislon's        19         217        N
Filtok's        54         217        N
Faltar's        115        214        N
Dallor's        75         214        N
Faslor's        49         201        N
Wallor's        98         201        N
Dallon's        135        192        N
Dillon's        40         191        N
?               70         191        N
Willam's        14         185        N
?               118        176        N
?               171        175        N
?               55         161        N
Kallan's        121        154        M
Kistor's        98         148        M
Fislar's        133        145        M
Fillok's        113        137        M
Dastan's        18         136        M
Kastan's        73         135        M
Wiltok's        91         133        M
Diltok's        46         129        M
?               175        125        M
Waslor's        124        124        M
?               16         124        M
Willon's        121        121        M
Kaslar's        99         117        M
Wastan's        45         114        M
Kistan's        8          112        M
?               63         107        M
Fislor's        107        104        M
Waltor's        9          100        M
Walton's        131        92         M
?               174        89         M
Diston's        122        62         M
Fastan's        76         61         M
Killak's        101        58         S
?               38         57         S
Killon's        7          56         S
?               109        46         S
?               130        43         S
Diltak's        9          43         S
Dislon's        38         42         S
Kiltar's        66         41         S
Fistan's        86         36         S
?               12         30         S
Daslon's        105        28         S
Hakon's         169        25         S
Daslok's        46         24         S
?               121        21         S
Kallor's        74         20         S
Wislan's        99         14         S
Dallar's        50         13         S
Wiltar's        20         2          S
Dilton's        50         -2         S
Dastak's        77         -8         S

Far Posts (x,y) [west to east]
Killon's        7          56         S
Kistan's        8          112        M
Diltak's        9          43         S
Waltor's        9          100        M
?               12         30         S
Willam's        14         185        N
?               16         124        M
Dastan's        18         136        M
Wislon's        19         217        N
Wiltar's        20         2          S
Dislon's        38         42         S
?               38         57         S
Dillon's        40         191        N
Kallon's        42         245        N
Wastan's        45         114        M
Daslok's        46         24         S
Diltok's        46         129        M
Fallor's        46         226        N
Faslor's        49         201        N
Dilton's        50         -2         S
Dallar's        50         13         S
Filtok's        54         217        N
?               55         161        N
?               63         107        M
Kiltar's        66         41         S
?               70         191        N
Kastan's        73         135        M
Kallor's        74         20         S
Dallor's        75         214        N
Fastan's        76         61         M
Killor's        76         232        N
Dastak's        77         -8         S
?               81         250        N
Fistan's        86         36         S
Wiltok's        91         133        M
Waston's        95         239        N
Kistor's        98         148        M
Wallor's        98         201        N
Wislan's        99         14         S
Kaslar's        99         117        M
Wistan's        99         224        N
Killak's        101        58         S
Daslon's        105        28         S
Fislor's        107        104        M
?               109        46         S
Fillok's        113        137        M
Waltar's        113        253        N
Faltar's        115        214        N
?               118        176        N
Fillan's        119        233        N
?               121        21         S
Willon's        121        121        M
Kallan's        121        154        M
Diston's        122        62         M
Waslor's        124        124        M
?               130        43         S
Walton's        131        92         M
Fislar's        133        145        M
Dallon's        135        192        N
Dislor's        136        218        N
?               165        234        N
Hakon's         169        25         S
?               171        175        N
?               174        89         M
?               175        125        M

Far Posts (x,y) [alphabetic]
Dallar's        50         13         S
Dallon's        135        192        N
Dallor's        75         214        N
Daslok's        46         24         S
Daslon's        105        28         S
Dastak's        77         -8         S
Dastan's        18         136        M
Dillon's        40         191        N
Diltak's        9          43         S
Diltok's        46         129        M
Dilton's        50         -2         S
Dislon's        38         42         S
Dislor's        136        218        N
Diston's        122        62         M
Fallor's        46         226        N
Faltar's        115        214        N
Faslor's        49         201        N
Fastan's        76         61         M
Fillan's        119        233        N
Fillok's        113        137        M
Filtok's        54         217        N
Fislar's        133        145        M
Fislor's        107        104        M
Fistan's        86         36         S
Hakon's         169        25         S
Kallan's        121        154        M
Kallon's        42         245        N
Kallor's        74         20         S
Kaslar's        99         117        M
Kastan's        73         135        M
Killak's        101        58         S
Killon's        7          56         S
Killor's        76         232        N
Kiltar's        66         41         S
Kistan's        8          112        M
Kistor's        98         148        M
Wallor's        98         201        N
Waltar's        113        253        N
Walton's        131        92         M
Waltor's        9          100        M
Waslor's        124        124        M
Wastan's        45         114        M
Waston's        95         239        N
Willam's        14         185        N
Willon's        121        121        M
Wiltar's        20         2          S
Wiltok's        91         133        M
Wislan's        99         14         S
Wislon's        19         217        N
Wistan's        99         224        N
?               55         161        N
?               38         57         S
?               109        46         S
?               171        175        N
?               130        43         S
?               70         191        N
?               118        176        N
?               121        21         S
?               174        89         M
?               12         30         S
?               63         107        M
?               175        125        M
?               165        234        N
?               81         250        N
?               16         124        M



Section 12 - Races and Gods and Groups
!!STUFF deleted - ADF!!


Section 13 - Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby

Name that Baby Contest:  I want to thank all of you who participated in
this joyous contest.  I ended up selecting one of my own athough one
entry did spawn my imagination enough to help me name the baby.

		Dances with Dragonbats
		Little Danny

Well the little furball has ventured off on his own.  Jack wrote back
to me and gave me the five weeks of data I would have gotten if the bug
wasn't present (see previous newsletter).  So the following is what I
know about babies at this time.  A previous newsletter had the
pregnancy portion of the baby experience.

The five weeks of having your baby with you goes like:
Week1: 	You have to feed your baby a lot!  You decide that he looks
	more like you the his father, HOBBES THE HAIRBALL.

Week2:	Your baby is talking like craze and understands maybe 20% of what
	you're saying.  Her balance is improving rapidly when wlaking - 
	he's falling down only once or twice per day now.

Week3:	Your child is now running around and you begin teaching him
	basic weapon skills.  You also instruct him on how to be quiet,
	making a game of it.  You continue to be amazed about his rapid

Week4:	You begin to fear that Ruk offspring on Monster Island are
	going to be much bigger than Ruks.  You momentarily wonder if
	your child is a mutant - but then dismiss the thought.  He
	happily learns the basics of traccking.  You then teach him
	what you know about the dangersous Creatures on the island.

Week5: 	Your child is now at the equivalent of a teenager in size and
	mental age.  Wow!  You teach him how to Hunt and Forage, and
	how to make some items.  You can tell that at the end of your
	next turn your child will have to be seaparated from you to
	survive on his own.  [If you're going to play your baby
	Monster, you can submit a turn for him with his mother's next
	turn.  Mark your turn Do 1st and the child's Do 2nd.  On the
	latter, write in the chosen Monster name in the Address Change
	area of the turn card.  Note: You can now transfer any items to
	his next turn.  Also, your child will have all the Make
	Creature knowledge (blurbs) you have, and can therefore make a
	Sling, etc.]  

PHURBOL DRAGONDANCER: Male Furrcat, 1st male baby of the island.
Parents: Felica (mother, disciple of fuvah, fire rider, furrcat) and
Hobbes the Hairball (father, disciple of fuvah, fire rider, furrcat).

Beginning Stats
		Phurbol	Felica
Toughness	110	172
Muscle		76	191
Badness		30	135
Stealth		27	68
Health		115	175
Friendliness	5	5
Riskiness	6	9
Monsterliness	530	1358
Knowledge	232	252
Skin Toughness	2	4

Beginning Weapon Skills (Formula? = (mother - 1) maximum of 3)
		Phurbol	Felica
Missile		3	4
Bashing 	3	5
Pointed 	3	4
Edged 		3	4
Pole  		3	5
Whip 	  	2	3

Creatures Known: everything mother knows

Items Known (include how to make): everything mother knows except voodoo
knowledge (and concoctions).

Blurbs Known: everything mother knows except voodoo stuff, group stuff
and advanced god stuff (and maybe any god stuff).

Born butt naked (except for a haversuit??? since I repaired it on the
first turn).  Not even a driftclub to his name (although mother has
been generous).

No attack orders: Same as mothers.

Races known: loggerhead, knolltir and jossman (from mother) and none of
the seven monster races except furrcat (although I meet four others on
turn one).

Yells: 25 and 26 which mother knew.


Comments:  I feel Jack was very generous on the weapon skills and the
things mother could teach the baby.  I was disappointed that none of
the voodoo or inn knowledge skills were passed on to the baby since
this is so time consuming to aquire.  Jack purposely didn't give any
wrestling skills (which I felt was one of the things that a mother
would teach her child but since he was so generous on the weapon skills
I didn't push it).  Jack did hint that the baby would learn the
wrestling skill faster then others, perhaps a benefit of being born on
the island.  

Also my first turn I had to do blind.  I didn't know what weapon skills
he had or even how many action points.  I will be bringing this up to
Jack's attention so other newbies don't have this problem in the future.

Last Note:  A sad thing when on his first turn he ran into his mother
and didn't even acknowledge she was alive.  Just looked her over and
accessed her skills (at far inn) against his.  

Okay I lied one more Note:  Jack did have a funny bug.  On the
reference sheet it shows that Phurbol (a male) knows how to Love Dance.
< 8 | Index | 10 >
These newsletters were taken from Aaron Fuegi's Monster Island Page.
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