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489 turns old male Norman. Member of Bad Company, Disciple of Fuvah, Tower Master of Xabrew's Tower (#380), Guardian of Fuvah Temple Bad Company VII (#687)

Monsterliness 6034
Toughness 415415
Muscle 15261526
Badness 228228
Stealth 186186
Knowledge 684684
Max. Spell Points 294294
Creatures Killed 24762476
Monsters Battled 158158
Action Points 537537

Weapon Skills
Missile MissileFive Bashing BashingSix
Pointed PointedSix Edged EdgedSeven
Pole PoleSix Whip WhipSix

Wrestling Skills
Wrestling Bouts 325325
Offensive Offensive 3030
Defensive Defensive 2727
Tricks Tricks 2929

Equipped Items
Primary Military Pick PoleSix
Missile Hand Catapult MissileTwo
Voodoo Voodoo
Ring Gold Ring (Health) Ring
Defensive PigIron Shield DefensiveNine
Body ArmourDragonhide Armour BodyTwoFour
Helm King's Spiked Helmet HelmetFour
Gauntlets PigIron Gauntlets GauntletsFive
Greaves PigIron Greaves GreavesFive
Amulet Amulet of Protection AmuletFour
Charm Scarab of Protection CharmFour
Skin Toughness SkinOneOne
Total Armour Class TotalSixSix

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