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A mapper by me
I finally gave in and wrote my own mapping program. I've tried to make it look as much like the online map as possible. You can create new maps, load existing ones and save your work. The locations, plants and creatures that you can add to the map are completely configurable as are the map icons and backgrounds.
You should unzip the file to somewhere and then either use the batch file (jim.bat on Windows on Linux) or run the command
java -jar jim-2.0.0.jar
to start the application. You'll need to have Java installed on your computer.
Note: The Extract function also creates a series of files that Ed can import into his database and output YOUR encounters into the Bad News website. This is entirely optional - you'll have to email these files to him and you can disable this by cancelling the select directory dialog.
Note: The Extract function uses some complicated and at times messy code to parse the turn's text into individual encounters. There is a good chance that at least one of your turns will throw up something it hasn't seen before and is not programmed to handle. If this happens then please let Ed know so that it can be improved (sending a copy of the text from the turn with Account#, Monster# and your address removed is sufficient).
0.5.0 - Load and save to csv and jim formats. Edit square data.
1.0.0 - Load from kln format. Minimap. Find function. Tooltip notes. Set terrain on map by key press.
1.2.0 - Load from Edit MI (DOS) format. Merge, Diff. Search notes.
1.3.0 - Flags. Mark the squares you have visited or scryed using an Orb of Seeing or Crystal Ball.
1.4.0 - Load from KAOS format.
1.5.0 - Input scrying data on to map from turn sheet.
1.6.0 - A proper compare maps feature allowing the merging of two maps feature by feature.
1.6.1 - Removed the old Merge and Diff functions and added the Save Differences function.
2.0.0 - Added a new Extract function to allow you to read straight from the Monster Island PDF files.
Backlog - Write to KLN, Edit MI and KAOS mapper files. Write an undo function. Write a function to show changes since last save. Re-write a better merge function.
I've converted the Bad Company Map into a JIM file available from here (log in to the map required).
Download version 1.6.1 (238 KB)
Download version 2.0.0 (332 KB)
Just a couple of notes on the less obvious features
Set Terrain by keyboard - If you select a square on the map you can press the key corresponding to the Terrain you want to set the square to
Set flags by keyboard - If you select a square on the map and press the number key for the flag you want to set the program will fill an area n by n squares with the flag (1 square for visited, 5x5 for Orb and 9x9 for Crystal Ball). You can unset a square's flag by holding shift and pressing the number key or unset a whole block by holding control and pressing the number key.
Comparing maps - Open the map you think of as your master map then click the compare button and open the other map. The minimap will highlight all the squares with differences in purple. The main map will border squares with features in the main map but not the other map in purple and vice versa in pink. If there is a difference in terrain between the maps the other map's terrain is shown in the bottom left and the master's in the top right. You can merge features by pressing the merge button next to the feature. Saving the compared map saves the master map with all merged changes although you can save this merged map to another file.